Monday 5 December 2016

LO1: Sample materials

All of these brands have similar designs to the type of brad I want to create with my Skateboarding magazine. This includes mast heads such as THRASHER and DEATHWISH, first of all because connotations within the words themselves. The word "Thrasher" links to the word "trash" which means to move in a violent and convulsive way. This links to the type of style many skaters like to skate with, quickly and energetically and sometimes in a violent way since skaters often injure themselves on skateboards. The way the brand THRASHER is designed is carried out in a bold curved font, connoting imagery linked to ramps which are curved, or perhaps the circular wheels on the skate board. The mast-head is also accompanied by a satanic graphic, which perhaps is because skate and metal/rock magazines both have a similar target audience, since skaters stereotypically enjoy listening to heavy metal. In order to appeal to this target audience the mast-head is bold and aggressive. Although DEATHWISH is not a magazine, I think it is still relevant because it is a brand linked to skating, and has been designed to appeal to the same audience as THRASHER. The word DEATHWISH in itself creates the impression that when you are skating, you need to almost have a death wish in order to be brave enough to carry out certain skate stunts (especially if you are a professional skater). The word also links to the energy and violent stereotypes which is associated with skating. This graphic has been made out of the colours black and red. I think that red has been chosen to create blood like imagery, due to the potential injuries skaters can have, and I think the black compliments the colour because it makes the brand stand out and appear aggressive. You can see in the top-right corner of the mood board that the brand is accompanied by a visual which represents suicide, which again helps the brand appear to the skating audience who probably listen to metal music, since suicidal imagery is often used on metal album covers. Because brand's like DEATHWISH, NME and even the band Gorillaz have used the colours black and red successfully in their brands, I have chosen to use the colours in my brand also, and I will ensure that the font used is bold and aggressive. 

The name of my magazine will be "NO COMPLIE" since it links to the skate trick "NO COMPLY". The reason the spelling is changed is because there is already a band called NO COMPLY. This way my magazine will appeal to the target audience, since they will be aware of the skate trick "NO COMPLIE" and the magazine will create the impression that it will provide tips and tricks on how to master skateboarding tricks. The name also creates ideas of the target audience not conforming, since stereotypically skaters are known for their rebellious attitudes. 

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