Sunday 4 December 2016

LO1: Proposal

Purpose: The magazine I am going to create will have a target audience 15 + year olds in Sheffield. The magazine will be specifically targeted at people who either skate or ride bmx's or other bikes. The magazines main purpose is to show readers how Sheffield is a great area for those types of extreme sports, and the magazine will promote different sections and why they are good for either skating of bmxing. If successful the magazine should appeal to people into those kinds of sport who live in different parts of England, and therefore make them want too come too Sheffield, in order to appeal to a wide audience.

Form: I am going to be creating a magazine, and will be featuring local content, and hopefully should appeal to people from all around the UK.

Genre: I am creating a magazine which combines music with skating and bmxing, this is because I know many people that are into both, therefore it would make sense to make a magazine containing both subjects.

Content: I have been asked to make 6 pages, including a cover and a contents page.

The cover page, will feature a picture of someone doing a kick flip in the air, with the sun either rising or setting in the background, the skater will be silhouette, along with the recognisable  city line of Sheffield in the background. The cover page will be linking to the main feature double page spread. The image should promote Sheffield as a location for skating, and should also promote skating.

COVER PAGE: The main image on the cover page, will be an image of a skater doing a kick flip, high up in mid air, with the sun rising in the background, therefore making silhouetting the skater. The location of the image, will be in Sheffield City Centre, and the picture will be taken with a fish eye lens, a fast shutter speed in order to capture the image without the skater being blurred, since they will be moving, the ISO will be low since there will be plenty of light from the sun rise entering the camera. The images aperture will also be wide, in order to capture the landscape of the city in the distance, along with the sunset and the skater. For the males in the audience, the skater featured should be an ideal self, since skaters will want to be able to perform the way the featured skater is. For females in the audience, the skater should appeal as an ideal partner, since if they are interested in skating, they would want a partner to be a skater also. I still have not came up with a title, however the title will be one which connotes danger and thrills, which skating can offer. In order to connote this, the title's colour will be red, redness also connotes excitement since it is such a bright colour. The title will be what makes it clear to the reader that the magazines genre is an extreme sports.

-Mast head, Font style, Colour, Graphics (Connotes -> audience -> Genre (Music, Sport, Culture) BRAND)
-Main Cover Image: Shot type, angle, Carl Rogers 1980 "Ideal Self/Ideal Partner", Richard Dyer (1975) "Star Persona" Costume, Gesture
-Cover lines - Specifics about what they are going to say -> audience
-Main cover line! - Anchorage - Roland Butler (1969)

The contents page will be be another image of the sky, in order to have a clear background for the contents to fit in, at the bottom will be a group of skaters sitting together, to connote that skating and bmxing unites people, therefore advertising the sports, and making the reader want to read on. The contents page should also have an editors note, explaining what the magazine is about, and why the reader should want to read it.

The first article will be a double page on bole hill, which is an area for biking in Sheffield. It will be one page, and will feature images of a person I know mid air on his bike, with a sunset in the background, to connote the happiness and freedom bole hill provides. This page should especially appeal to people who ride bikes, and many bike riders in Sheffield will recognise the location the article is about.

The second article will be a double page spread on skating locations in Sheffield. The main image on the contents page will be an action shot of skaters mid air doing a kick flip. The article will outline the three best places too skate in Sheffield, which will be Devonshire Green, Millhouses, and City Hall. The article will interview skaters I know who will explain why those locations are great places to skate. I am creating this article in order to make the magazine appeal to skaters in the target audience. It should also make Sheffield appeal to skaters.


The magazines measurements:
BLEED - Height: 250mm, Width: 181mm.
TRIM - Height: 247mm, Width: 178mm.
SAFE - Height: 171mm, Width: 160mm.

Distribution and marketing methods:
My magazine will be released quarterly because the magazine has quite a niche audience, and wouldnt need to be released monthly. Each magazine per year will be themed according to the current season, ie a spring edition, a summer edition, an autumn edition and a winter season.

I will leave free copies of the magazine in skate shops in sheffield such as Slugger, because that is the excact type of shop the target audience will go in. I will also leave free copies in other shops in Sheffield that sell clothing which appeals to the target audience (skaters/bmxers)

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