Monday 16 January 2017

LO3: Following codes and conventions


This is the first image that I am going to use for my magazine "No Complie". The image depicts skater jumping over a small metal ramp in a rural area.

The inspiration for this photoshoot was from the photography used on THRASHER a competing skating magazine. 

Image result for thrasher magazine

The reason this image fits into the codes and conventions of an extreme sports magazine, is because the the subject of the image is a mid air shot of a preforming skater. The angle is made more extreme through the use of a fish eye lens, which is often used in extreme sports magazines photos. The setting of the image is a also a place which is rural and concrete, connoting the feeling of the skating sub-culture in cities like Sheffield. This fits with THRASHERS style of magazine, since they are usually featuring a certain area as well as featuring a being interviewed. The persons outfit also is the type of outfit that people who are interested in extreme sports wear, or how the audience aspire to be like, which is what magazines like Thrasher always ensure, in order to attract a specific audience who dress a certain way. Although the difference is that you can't see the sky in the real example, the sky gives the image a very beautiful and visually appealing style. This hopefully should make the magazine appeal even more, since it is very popular to enjoy great photography.

This is the second picture I will be using for the magazine. The picture depicts Sheffield's city landscape, with the sun setting in the background. This fits with the proposal I wrote, since I had decided to make Sheffield an appealing place for skaters, which I have completed through capturing the image using a quick shutter speed and a wide aperture, in order for everything in the image to be in focus, and in order for the image not to be overly exposed, which is a rip when taking photographs of the sunset. 

This is the second picture I used in the magazine. The picture also depicts Isaac Green jumping over the ramp, however he is further ahead in the jump in the shot. Again a fisheye lens has been used.

Image result for thrasher magazine

Just like my image, in this image which is taken for Thrasher features a skaters (extreme sports) peforming an impressive jump, aswell as wearing clothes which the target audience wear, as well as also featuring a skate park. The sky has also been used to visually show the freedom that skating can offer. When editing the magazine I intend to have the skater layering over the mast head since it shows that the skater is jumping really high, and is a creative way of breaking the fourth layer in a way, as it connotes that the skater is almost jumping out of the magazine. Also, the mode of address for all the photos are peer to peer, since the situation when you see someone on their skating is incredibly casual and is not formal in anyway, therefore the reader feels a sense of social acceptance and familiarity when seeing these images which creates a pleasant experience for the reader.


Quick Fit is a skate spot like no other. The abandoned area was taken advantage of by local residents of Sheffield and transformed into a DIY spot, allowing skaters to build and modify  the area in anyway which is good for shredding. In the shot below you can see Isaac ollying of a mini ramp, made out of a metal slab placed on top of square rock, a good example of the type of ramps that are created at Quick Fit.
So you’ve been skating for four years now?
Isaac: Five actually, I started when I was 12.
Five years, thats insane, where do you think you would be now if you never started skating.

Isaac: Wow, thats a wierd thought! I’m not sure but I recon I would be pretty bored, skating’s a big part of my life.
I can tell, Judging by those stunts you’ve just pulled I can see its something you’ve really put a lot of effort into.
Isaac: I wouldn’t describe it like that, skating isn’t really something that needs effort, I usually associate effort with things that I’d rather not be doing...

Well I guess skatings more of a passion to you then?
Isaac: For sure! Shredding provides the freedom of movement.
So why do you skate at Quick Fit so much?

Isaac: Quick Fit is by far my favourite spot, I love that you are able to change and set up random debris to aid your skating exeperince, plus the whole place has a really rural feel which I think is unique to Sheffield.
What makes Sheffield such a great place for skaters?
Isaac: The range of places you can go to, like staying in the same area can become quite dull, but in Sheffield theres plenty of different places to go and skate.
How long does it take to progress to you level of skill when it comes to skating?
Isaac Ah thats a hard one, the thing is it depends on the individual, like I know some people who start skating and take to it easily! While others, not so much.
Fair enough man, thanks a load for talking being on NO COMPLIE take it steady Isaac Green.

The mode of address for this article is peer to peer, since like articles I have have read in a skate magazine they are written in a very laid back and relaxed way. This way the reader feels as if they are getting to know the skater being interviewed, which is an exciting experience for the right type of audience, since they either admire Isaac and want to be like him and skate like him, or they see him as an ideal partner. The article also describes skating in a way which is designed to almost advertise the sport of skating, meaning that they are going to build an attachment for the brand NO COMPLIE since they will remember that brand to be the one that got them into a new sport. The magazine also advertises the city of Sheffield, and why it is good for skating, which is what I intended for the magazine to do, in order to visit Sheffield and become a part of it's skating sub-culture.


In this editors note for the skate magazine THRASHER Kevin J. Thatcher has written an editors note in a peer to peer mode of address, which both entertains and inspires the target audience of skaters, it also uses the informal type of language that is related to the sub-culture of Skating such as spot, referring to an area where you can skate.

Considered editors note:

Uses peer to peer mode of address.

Final editors note:

Welcome my dudes, to the very first issue of 
NO COMPLIE, where you will find jaw drapping pictures of skating and BMX, followed by interviews, tips and tricks, all local to Sheffield! Through this I hope you can all impove your extreme sports abilities!

Keep on shredding!

Sunday 15 January 2017

LO3: Setting up Adobe InDesign CS6

The reason I made my magazine the size the it is was in order to compete with Thrasher, who's magazines are larger in order for the magazine to be more portable in order to be more convenient to the sub-culture of skaters in Sheffield, since they are always on the move, they are likely to want a magazine which is easy to carry. The reason the bleed is the size that it is is because I wanted to magazine to be the size of a real magazine.

Saturday 14 January 2017

LO3: Setting up Adobe Photoshop CS6

In this screen shot I am setting up the page for my front cover. I decided to use Photoshop for this task because it was more flexible for editing photos, and this page didn't need to include an article, which is what Adobe Indesign is helpful for. The sizes I used are similar to the real life magazines which are portable.

Friday 13 January 2017

LO3: Body copy for articles

Quick Fit is a skate spot like no other. The abandoned area was taken advantage of by local residents of Sheffield and transformed into a DIY spot, allowing skaters to build and modify  the area in anyway which is good for shredding. In the shot below you can see Isaac ollying of a mini ramp, made out of a metal slab placed on top of square rock, a good example of the type of ramps that are created at Quick Fit.

So you’ve been skating for four years now?

Isaac: Five actually, I started when I was 12.

Five years, thats insane, where do you think you would be now if you never started skating. 

Isaac: Wow, thats a wierd thought! I’m not sure but I recon I would be pretty bored, skating’s a big part of my life.

I can tell, Judging by those stunts you’ve just pulled I can see its something you’ve really put a lot of effort into. 

Isaac: I wouldn’t describe it like that, skating isn’t really something that needs effort, I usually associate effort with
things that I’d rather not be doing...

Well I guess skatings more of a passion to you then?

Isaac: For sure! Shredding provides the freedom of movement.

So why do you skate at Quick Fit so much?

Isaac: Quick Fit is by far my favourite spot, I love that you are able to change and set up random debris to aid your skating exeperince, plus the whole place has a really rural feel which I think is unique to Sheffield. 

What makes Sheffield such a great place for skaters?

Isaac: The range of places you can go to, like staying in the same area can become quite dull, but in Sheffield theres plenty of different places to go and skate. 

How long does it take to progress to you level of skill when it comes to skating?

Isaac Ah thats a hard one, the thing is it depends on the individual, like I know some people who start skating and take to it easily! While others, not so much.

Fair enough man, thanks a load for talking being on NO COMPLIE take it steady Isaac Green.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

LO3: Contact sheet and Evaluation

Here is the contact sheet for the photo shoot. The image of Isaac Skating will be used in the magazine. Images of Isaac Green were also taken in case they could be included in the contents page. Many pictures were taken of the sun setting also. Certain pictures such as IMG_6456, IMG_6458, IMG_6459 can not be used because the images are over exposed and wouldn't be suitable as they have a rubbish appearance.

Images 1 and 4 can be used however 2 and 3 cannot.


The images fit the brief, since they were taken in a sunny environment, and were taken in a rural area local to Sheffield. They also feature an experienced skater who can be considered an ideal self or ideal partner for those who submerge themselves in the sub-genre of skating.

Image 6461 was taken in a high quality raw format, meaning that the image can be edited in a more successful way, and will create more of a spectacle, since I will be able to bring the colours out more, and make the skaters surroundings appear more beautiful.

There are other images of people bmxing and images of Sheffield's landscape, which can be used in other sections of the magazine, since the brief states that the magazine has been designed to create an appeal to Sheffield to mostly skaters but also bmxers.


The images do not have much range, meaning I have a limited choice of images to choose from when editing the magazine together,

Some of the images are blurry, and will not look professional enough for the magazine.

Four of the images are overly exposed, and are completely useless for the brief, since they are not very clear in their appearance.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

LO2: Questions for interview


So you've been skating for four years now?

Where do you think you would be now if you never started skating?

Would you describe skating as a passion you have?

Why do you skate at Quick Fit so much?

What is it that makes Sheffield such a great place for skaters?

How long does it take to go from progress to your level of skill when it comes to skating?

What motivates continue skating?

LO2: Gaining permissions (Legal and Ethical)

Emails to models for photoshoot:

Isaac Green:

Cameron Slack:

Release and Consent forms:

Friday 6 January 2017

LO2: Fonts, graphics, house style colours

OCR A is the font which I shall be using for articles in the magazine. This is becaus it has a bold and eye capturing appearance, while at the same time easy to read. The font also looks similiar to the type of fonts which are in skateboard brands, which attracts the target audience who are likely to enjoy reading words in those types of fonts. The font also gives words a technical feel, which suits the content since the magazine will often explain the technical side of peforming on a skateboard or a BMX.

Heroes Assembled is a font which shall be used for the mast head (edited on photoshop in order to give it a moving appearance) and will also be used for smaller titles on pages like the front cover and the contents page.
Here is the font after it has been edited in Photoshop, the warp tool was used in order to create the impression that the title is moving, it also creates the impression that the title is a ramp for skaters and BMXers to use. 

The main colours that will be used are red, black, yellow and white. The colour red will be used for titles that are the most important, for example the Mast-Head and the names of people who are interviewed. The colour will be used to represent the brutal injuries which can occur in the sport. The colour black will mainly be used as a canvas for titles to fit on, since that is the format that is used on magazines like thrasher. The colour white will be used for some titles which aren't very important, however will mostly be used for the text in the magazine. The colour yellow will ocassionally be used for smaller titles however will mostly be used for the introduction of articles and for the editors note.

Thursday 5 January 2017

LO2: Visual styles and themes moodboard

This moodboard represents the type of action shot I want to capture in my photography. It also represents the type of colours I am going to use and the how I want the sky to look (sunset)/ It also represents the location I want to be in the background (Sheffield to attract a niche target audiene in Sheffild)

This moodboard represents the type of model I am going to use (steriotypical skater dude), and the type of colours I am going to use (red and black) to represent the injuries which can occur. 

This moodboard represents the type of photography I want to achieve on this double-page-spread, ie a still shot of a skater in the air with the sun setting behind him.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

LO2: Annotated visualisation diagrams

The desing below is a rough idea of what the front cover will look like. Using photoshop I incorporated a sketch I drew of Isaac Green skating, linking to the main double page spread I will be creating.

This visualisation diagram is for the contents page and was cretaed using a graphics tablet. The page will also feature a subscription at the bottom of the page, where it will detail how to subscribe to the magazine. The headers will be on black squares in a similiar style to the visualisation diagram above with white bold headers on top of them.

The design below is a rough idea of what the main double page spread would look like. The idea is to take a picture of Isaac Green performing a skate trick using a fish eye, in order to make the image appear more dramatic and look like a proffesional skate magazine, since most skate magazines like slugger use photography taken with fish eye lenses. 

The diagram below is for the second double page spread, which is the BMX article based in Millhouses a location for both skaters and BMX. The sketch was created digital and drawn using a graphics tablet. 

Tuesday 3 January 2017

LO2: Legal and ethical issues

Obscene Publications Act - The Obscene Publication Act states that it is illegal to publish anything that may negatively effect the audience. This includes discussion/appearance/promotion of sex, drugs and alcohol. My magazine, No Complie has a target audience of 15 to 18 years, since they are the most dominant age range who Skate, BMX and partake in extreme sports. This target audience are  still likely to live with their parents. Despite the stereotypes, it is important that the magazine doesn't promote uses of drugs such as Marijuana, despite it being a stereotypical drug used by skaters. It is also important not to refer to or promote alcohol, although it is likely to be commonly used among that age range since they are growing up and likely to be experimenting with intoxicants in order fit in.

Libel Law - This law states that it is illegal to publish defamatory and harmful content about a person or publish untrue information. Therefore when interviewing the people who will be featured in NO COMPLIE, I will have to make sure that I only include real things that were said in the interview.  I will also have to present the people with copes of  the interview in order to ensure that they are content with how they are being verbally presented in the article. This way there is no risk of breaking the Libel Law.

Copyright - Copyright allows producers of content to protect their intellectual property and preventing it from being used without permission. Because of this I will be required to use my own photography in my magazine, since that way I don't need to gain permission to use it since I have created the asset myself. In terms of taking pictures of featured individuals in my magazine, I will have to request that they sign a release and consent form stating that I am allowed to use their image in my magazine. The release and consent form contains a summary of what the person is agreeing to, followed by a date, printed name and signature. If the images of people happen to be wearing branded clothes, I will need to ensure that I gain permission from the owner of the brands to include it in my magazine. However it is likely that they will allow me to use their brands for free, since it would mean free advertising for them. The process of gaining their permission would needed to be contained in a legal document similar to a release and consent form. When taking pictures of locations, I will need to make sure I have permission use those locations, however to avoid this, I will ensure that I take pictures on public land, meaning I don't need to gain permission to use those locations. Any other graphics and logos will also need permission to be used, however to avoid this, I will create my own graphics in my magazine.

Laws of Contempt/Contempt of Court - This law states that you are not permitted to publish anything that could compromise an individual unless they have been proved guilty in public and in court. The way many journalists avoid breaking this law is by using terms like alegedly and suspected.

I can not mention the possible illegal procedure which is mentioned in this article, due to laws of contempt article, even though it reflects on the lifestyle and culture in skateboarding.

Ethical Issues: The prevention of offending people who have different cultures, religions, beliefs and sexual orientation. The target audience my magazine are not likely to respect social justice, and it would make sense to make certain jokes/references in the magazine that would appeal to the audience, however it is more important to ensure that those jokes do not target or ridicule anyone with different ethnicity, religion, culture or sexual orientation. This is because it is totally unacceptable to target people for those reasons. It also important that the people who are taken pictures show a variety of ethnic backgrounds in order not to offend audiences by making them feel excluded from a certain trend. This way magazine also appeals to a wider audience. It is also important that in the magazine during the interview, swearing is either avoided or censored out by using stars since swear words usually offend people, especially people with particular religious beliefs.