Wednesday 11 January 2017

LO3: Contact sheet and Evaluation

Here is the contact sheet for the photo shoot. The image of Isaac Skating will be used in the magazine. Images of Isaac Green were also taken in case they could be included in the contents page. Many pictures were taken of the sun setting also. Certain pictures such as IMG_6456, IMG_6458, IMG_6459 can not be used because the images are over exposed and wouldn't be suitable as they have a rubbish appearance.

Images 1 and 4 can be used however 2 and 3 cannot.


The images fit the brief, since they were taken in a sunny environment, and were taken in a rural area local to Sheffield. They also feature an experienced skater who can be considered an ideal self or ideal partner for those who submerge themselves in the sub-genre of skating.

Image 6461 was taken in a high quality raw format, meaning that the image can be edited in a more successful way, and will create more of a spectacle, since I will be able to bring the colours out more, and make the skaters surroundings appear more beautiful.

There are other images of people bmxing and images of Sheffield's landscape, which can be used in other sections of the magazine, since the brief states that the magazine has been designed to create an appeal to Sheffield to mostly skaters but also bmxers.


The images do not have much range, meaning I have a limited choice of images to choose from when editing the magazine together,

Some of the images are blurry, and will not look professional enough for the magazine.

Four of the images are overly exposed, and are completely useless for the brief, since they are not very clear in their appearance.

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