Monday 16 January 2017

LO3: Following codes and conventions


This is the first image that I am going to use for my magazine "No Complie". The image depicts skater jumping over a small metal ramp in a rural area.

The inspiration for this photoshoot was from the photography used on THRASHER a competing skating magazine. 

Image result for thrasher magazine

The reason this image fits into the codes and conventions of an extreme sports magazine, is because the the subject of the image is a mid air shot of a preforming skater. The angle is made more extreme through the use of a fish eye lens, which is often used in extreme sports magazines photos. The setting of the image is a also a place which is rural and concrete, connoting the feeling of the skating sub-culture in cities like Sheffield. This fits with THRASHERS style of magazine, since they are usually featuring a certain area as well as featuring a being interviewed. The persons outfit also is the type of outfit that people who are interested in extreme sports wear, or how the audience aspire to be like, which is what magazines like Thrasher always ensure, in order to attract a specific audience who dress a certain way. Although the difference is that you can't see the sky in the real example, the sky gives the image a very beautiful and visually appealing style. This hopefully should make the magazine appeal even more, since it is very popular to enjoy great photography.

This is the second picture I will be using for the magazine. The picture depicts Sheffield's city landscape, with the sun setting in the background. This fits with the proposal I wrote, since I had decided to make Sheffield an appealing place for skaters, which I have completed through capturing the image using a quick shutter speed and a wide aperture, in order for everything in the image to be in focus, and in order for the image not to be overly exposed, which is a rip when taking photographs of the sunset. 

This is the second picture I used in the magazine. The picture also depicts Isaac Green jumping over the ramp, however he is further ahead in the jump in the shot. Again a fisheye lens has been used.

Image result for thrasher magazine

Just like my image, in this image which is taken for Thrasher features a skaters (extreme sports) peforming an impressive jump, aswell as wearing clothes which the target audience wear, as well as also featuring a skate park. The sky has also been used to visually show the freedom that skating can offer. When editing the magazine I intend to have the skater layering over the mast head since it shows that the skater is jumping really high, and is a creative way of breaking the fourth layer in a way, as it connotes that the skater is almost jumping out of the magazine. Also, the mode of address for all the photos are peer to peer, since the situation when you see someone on their skating is incredibly casual and is not formal in anyway, therefore the reader feels a sense of social acceptance and familiarity when seeing these images which creates a pleasant experience for the reader.


Quick Fit is a skate spot like no other. The abandoned area was taken advantage of by local residents of Sheffield and transformed into a DIY spot, allowing skaters to build and modify  the area in anyway which is good for shredding. In the shot below you can see Isaac ollying of a mini ramp, made out of a metal slab placed on top of square rock, a good example of the type of ramps that are created at Quick Fit.
So you’ve been skating for four years now?
Isaac: Five actually, I started when I was 12.
Five years, thats insane, where do you think you would be now if you never started skating.

Isaac: Wow, thats a wierd thought! I’m not sure but I recon I would be pretty bored, skating’s a big part of my life.
I can tell, Judging by those stunts you’ve just pulled I can see its something you’ve really put a lot of effort into.
Isaac: I wouldn’t describe it like that, skating isn’t really something that needs effort, I usually associate effort with things that I’d rather not be doing...

Well I guess skatings more of a passion to you then?
Isaac: For sure! Shredding provides the freedom of movement.
So why do you skate at Quick Fit so much?

Isaac: Quick Fit is by far my favourite spot, I love that you are able to change and set up random debris to aid your skating exeperince, plus the whole place has a really rural feel which I think is unique to Sheffield.
What makes Sheffield such a great place for skaters?
Isaac: The range of places you can go to, like staying in the same area can become quite dull, but in Sheffield theres plenty of different places to go and skate.
How long does it take to progress to you level of skill when it comes to skating?
Isaac Ah thats a hard one, the thing is it depends on the individual, like I know some people who start skating and take to it easily! While others, not so much.
Fair enough man, thanks a load for talking being on NO COMPLIE take it steady Isaac Green.

The mode of address for this article is peer to peer, since like articles I have have read in a skate magazine they are written in a very laid back and relaxed way. This way the reader feels as if they are getting to know the skater being interviewed, which is an exciting experience for the right type of audience, since they either admire Isaac and want to be like him and skate like him, or they see him as an ideal partner. The article also describes skating in a way which is designed to almost advertise the sport of skating, meaning that they are going to build an attachment for the brand NO COMPLIE since they will remember that brand to be the one that got them into a new sport. The magazine also advertises the city of Sheffield, and why it is good for skating, which is what I intended for the magazine to do, in order to visit Sheffield and become a part of it's skating sub-culture.


In this editors note for the skate magazine THRASHER Kevin J. Thatcher has written an editors note in a peer to peer mode of address, which both entertains and inspires the target audience of skaters, it also uses the informal type of language that is related to the sub-culture of Skating such as spot, referring to an area where you can skate.

Considered editors note:

Uses peer to peer mode of address.

Final editors note:

Welcome my dudes, to the very first issue of 
NO COMPLIE, where you will find jaw drapping pictures of skating and BMX, followed by interviews, tips and tricks, all local to Sheffield! Through this I hope you can all impove your extreme sports abilities!

Keep on shredding!

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