Saturday 1 April 2017

LO4: Review of assets

This is the first piece of photography I used in my magazine, for my photography. During editing, I managed to bring out the colours of the sky to appear more pretty by making the colours contrast more. The image creates a spectacle of the skate trick Isaac is performing and will make amateur skaters want to learn how to skate more. Isaac's costume is also what skaters wear, which makes the image appeal more to the sub-culture of skating. The image will work brilliantly as a cover page, since it allows room for titles to surround Isaac's figure, and the top space will allow the mast head "NO COMPLIE" to fit perfectly. To improve the image, I would have taken the photo at a lower angle in order for the stunt to appear more extreme.

This image was taken a moment after the previous photo was taken. This was because I was using the rapid shutter option on the Canon DSLR 650d. This image will work well because like the above photo it creates a spectacle out of the skating trick, and appeals to the sub-culture and target audience for the same reasons. The reason this picture works better for a double page spread is because the image works well as a wide photo. I would have improved this photo by moving the camera along with Isaac, creating an image with a blurred background showing Isaac's movement, with him in mid-air perfectly in focus.

This image was taken for the contents page, in order to establish that the magazine is targeted at the sub-culture of skating specifically in Sheffield. This image is good because it features the recognisable landscape of Sheffield whilst the sun is setting. This links to the idea of the magazine, which is to promote Sheffield of a place where skating is great (which is connoted through the visually appealing imagery of the sun setting).
This is my masthead. I used the colours black and red because those are the colours which are mainly used in the types of magazines I looked into for inspiration for NO COMPLIE. The colours are also both very bold and will stand out on any page, and the colours also link to themes like injuries and danger that skating offers. Using adobe photoshop, I was also able to give the title an effect which curves the title, making it look like a skating ramp, linking to the magazines genre and main theme (skating). The way I would improve this asset, would be by editing the image less sloppily, since on some letters, you can that the outline has disappeared (an error due to warping the texts shape).

This is the graphic I have used for features on the magazine such as the competition, since it draws attention due to its star shape, and the glowing effect, which connotes that there could be potential "treasure" in that area of the page (The treasure being the prize). The way I would have improved this  graphic, would have been by drawing the image with more un even spikes, in order for the graphic to fit in more with the style of the rest of the magazine in order to create synergy. 

This is the graphic I used for the contents page, since the image didn't fit the magazines genre without a visual reference to skating. The image is a clear representation of the stereotypical skater, which can appeal to incredibly wide audiences because of the fact that the figure has no face, meaning the audience can imagine themselves being the skater (since the skater is their ideal self). The way I would have improved this graphic, would have been incorporating a reference to NO COMPLIES brand, by perhaps having the the initials NC printed on the graphic, connoting that the skater is wearing NO COMPLIE as a brand, which could be a possibility if the magazine progresses.

This is the graphic I used as a background for most text on the magazine. Because it is bold and black, it supports text (which isn't black) in a which which makes the text bold and stand out. I would have improved this graphic by making it a shape which is more relevant to the genre of skating, for example the shape of a ramp.

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